Codland in the Press
Tómas þór nýr framkvæmdastjóri Codland | 18.5.2015 | Viðskiptablaðið |
Funding for Codland’s Icelandic Fish Skin Products | 3.2.2015 | |
Codland Youth Program
During the summer of 2013-2015 Codland has held a week long seminar for kids aged between 14 and 15 years. Our aim is to educate the young generation about the new innovations in the industry. We have visited factories, ships and museums as well as worked on projects related to the fishing industry.

A great group of kids
Year 2014 we had 16 kids take part in our program

Suðurnes science and learning center
We got to see scientists at work and look at marine specimens

Visiting ships
A guided tour through a long liner ship

Documenting nature
We set a crab trap and documented our catch before releasing them back in the ocean

Group projects
The kids worked in groups to create marine themed apps for smart devices

Having fun while learning
Visiting Haustak and playing around

Last day of the program, everybody got diplomas and pizza !